


Teaching Experience


Associate Professor and Head of the Department of English at Seacom Skills University from May 2024. Assistant Professor for UG and PG students and Research Faculty supervising PhD researchers since May 2016.  Have guided 7 PhD scholars who have been awarded. Course Coordinator and Guest Lecturer in English (UG and PG levels) at the Institute of Advanced Studies (Affiliated to Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras) for the period November 2011-May 2013. Assisted and participated in online classes (Through Email,, Facebook and Skype) on Diaspora Literature conducted jointly by the English Departments of Calcutta University, Kolkata and State University of New York, Oswego, USA. Also taught in the secondary section of a private school from 1996 to 2010.


Research Experience


Areas of specialization for doctoral work have been Diaspora Study and Indian Writing in English. His Ph.D. supervisor was Prof. Santanu Majumdar of Calcutta University. He has also written research articles involving interdisciplinary areas like philosophy, sociology, gender studies and culture studies. His postdoctoral proposal on Diaspora Literature and South Asian Americans was accepted by UMass Boston, USA.


Research Guidance:


PhDs Awarded

1. Milan Mandal – The “Un-Bordered” Minds of East Bengal Refugees: Reflections in Selected Works of Fiction and Memoirs of Amitav Ghosh, Jyotirmoyee Devi, Sunanda Sikdar and Maloy Krishna Dhar – November 2019. (Supervisor: Dr. Amit Shankar Saha)

2. Shantanu Siuli – Devotional Poetry and Sermons: Explorations in 17th Century England – November 2019. (Supervisor: Dr. Amit Shankar Saha)

3. Debabrata Karmakar – Representation of Dalit Life in Bengali Literature: Reading Selected Texts of Dalit and Non-Dalit Writers – March 2020. (Supervisor: Dr. Amit Shankar Saha)

4. Soumitra Mukherjee – The Exploration of Culture and Identity in the Travel Writings of D. H. Lawrence – March 2022. (Supervisor: Dr. Amit Shankar Saha)

5. Shyamal Acharya – Designing Tests for Enhancing English Language Ability of the Second Language Learners: A Special Study on the Class IX Students of Bengali Medium Schools in West Bengal – June 2023 (Supervisor: Dr. Amit Shankar Saha, Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manjusha Tarafdar)

6. Durbadal Datta – Bioregional Matrix in Jibanananda Das’s Rupasi Bangla – (Supervisor: Dr.  Amit Shankar Saha) 

7. Ananta Kumar Banerjee –Transition From Diaspora To Transculturation In Select Novels Of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: A Critical Study  – (Supervisor: Dr. Amit Shankar Saha) 

Theses Submitted

1. Bikash Mondal – The Problematics of Body and Soul: The Perspectives of the Christian Novels of Graham Greene (Supervisor: Dr. Amit Shankar Saha) 

Google Citation Index: 

MLA Humanities Commons:

Vidwan Profile:

ORCID Profile:

SCOPUS Profile:

Web of Science Profile:


Research Contributions and Publications

I. Research Articles Published in Journals

 1. “The perspectives of innocence and experience in Graham Greene’s short story ‘The Basement Room’”. International Journal of English Research. Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2024. Pp. 13-14. ISSN 2455-2186. (Co-authored with Bikash Mondal) 

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2. “Investigating the Body and the Soul in Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory.” International Journal of Research in English. Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2023. Pp. 162-164. ISSN 2664-8725. (Co-authored with Bikash Mondal) 

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3. "Existential Alienation and the Indian Diaspora: An Approach to the Writings of Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Sunetra Gupta, and Jhumpa Lahiri," Contemporary Literary Review India,[S.l.], Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 1-31, Feb. 2017. ISSN 2394-6075.  



4. "The Indian Diaspora and Reading Desai, Mukherjee, Gupta, and Lahiri." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, Vol 14, Issue 2 (June 2012), pp. 1-9. ISSN 14814374, Eds. Mohan G. Ramanan and Tutun Mukherjee. PURDUE UNIVERSITY, USA. <>

  5. "Defining Selves through Nomenclature: Reading Select Diasporic Fiction of Bharati Mukherjee and Jhumpa Lahiri", Research and Criticism (Journal of the Department of English, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi), Vol 1, 2010, ISSN: 2229-3639, Ed. R. N. Rai, Pp. 117-23.

  6. "Two Forms: Exploration of Diaspora in Jhumpa Lahiri", Pegasus: An English Critical Journal, Collection 3, June 2010, ISSN 0975-8488, Eds. Sukanti Dutta and Siddhartha Biswas, Pp. 72-81.

  7. "The Spiritual Sense of Alienation in Diasporic Life: Reading Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Sunetra Gupta and Jhumpa Lahiri", The Criterion: An International Journal in English, Vol. I. Issue III (December 2010), Pp. 17-26. ISSN 0976-8165, Ed. Dr. Vishwanath Bite. <>

  8. “Exile Literature and the Diasporic Indian Writer”, Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities: An Online Open Access E-Journal, Vol 1, No 2,Autumn 2009,ISSN 0975 -2935, Ed. Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay, Pp.186-96 <>

  9. "The Problem of Personal Identity: A Philosophical Survey through the Selected Fictions of Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Sunetra Gupta, and Jhumpa Lahiri in the Context of the Indian Diaspora", Humanicus: Academic journal of humanities, social sciences and philosophy, Issue 3, Summer 2009, ISSN 1803-7836, Ed. Srdjan Jovanovic, CZECH REPUBLIC, Pp. 60-74, <>

10. “Parent-Child Relationship in Diasporic Life: Engagement with the issue by Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Sunetra Gupta, and Jhumpa Lahiri”, Families: A Journal of Representations, Vol 5 No 2 &Vol 6 No 1, December 2008 – January 2009, ISSN 0975-7007, Ed. Sanjukta Dasgupta, Pp. 30-44.

  11. “Loneliness in Diasporic Life as Depicted by Anita Desai”, Cerebration, Issue II, May 2005, The Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, DREW UNIVERSITY, USA, Eds. SmitaMaitra and Amrita Ghosh, <

II. Research Articles Published in Books

 1. “At the Marabar Caves: Rethinking the Philosophy of Theorising Diaspora.” Writings from the Margins: Politics of Representation. Ed. Nilanjan Chakraborty. Michigan, USA: Iterative International Publishers, 2022. ISBN: 978-1-68576-361-9. Pp. 15-18.


2. “Diasporic Gaze on Home(land) in Anita Desai’s Clear Light of Day and Bharati Mukherjee’s Desirable Daughters.” DESI: La Revue No. 4 (Imaginary Homelands: Litteratures d’ Asie du sud en Diaspora). Eds. Nicolas Dejenne and Claudine Le Blanc. ISBN: 979-10-300-0464-9. BORDEAUX: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, May 2019, Pp. 99-112. (Conference paper written in collaboration with Bhawana Jain of UniversitéPanthéon-Sorbonne, France, published).

3. “The Question of Subjectivity and Subject Positioning in the Poetry of Sanjukta Dasgupta: A Reading of More Light and Lakshmi Unbound”. Envisioning the Indian Muse. Ed. Goutam Karmakar. USA: Transcendent Zero Press, 2019. ISBN: 978-1946460165. Pp. 98-103.


4. “Culture and the Critic: Reading T. S. Eliot’s Notes Towards the Definition of Culture”. Objective Illumination: A Study of T. S. Eliot’s Prose Writings. Eds. Sarbojit Biswas and Saptarshi Mallick. ISBN: 978-93-83292-38-7. New Delhi: Alfa Publications, 2018. Pp. 34-40.

  5. “J.S. Mill’s The Subjection of Women: The Text in History and Society”. De-coding the Silence! Reading John Stuart Mill’s The Subjection of Women. Eds. Saptarshi Mallick and Sarbojit Biswas. ISBN: 978-93-82630-51-7. Jaipur: Aadi Publications, 2015, Pp. 125-33.

  6. "Food in the Culture of India and the Indian Diaspora: An Analysis through the Selected Works of Anita Desai." DESI: La Revue No. 2 (Diasporas: Etudes Des Singularities Indiennes – Circulations). Eds. Jean-Francois Baillon and Anthony Goreau-Ponceaud. ISBN: 978-2-86781-870-7. BORDEAUX: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2013, Pp. 171-89. (Conference paper written in collaboration with Bhawana Jain of Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, France).

  7. "The Spiritual Sense of Alienation in Diasporic Life: Reading Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Sunetra Gupta and Jhumpa Lahiri". Indian English Fiction: Postmodern Literary Sensibility. Ed. Vishwanath Bite. ISBN: 9788172736774. New Delhi: Authorspress, 2012, Pp.  129-38 (Re-print from The Criterion journal article)

  8. “The Changing Face of the West and the Indian Diaspora: Reading Anita Desai, Bharati Mukherjee, Sunetra Gupta and Jhumpa Lahiri", Concepts and Contexts of Diasporic Literature of India, Ed. K. V. Dominic, ISBN: 9789381030240, New Delhi: Gnosis/Authorspress Publications, 2011, Pp. 158-71.

  9. "Emotional and Sexual Wants in Diasporic Life as Depicted by Jhumpa Lahiri", Indo-English Fiction: New Perspectives, Ed.Arvind Nawale, ISBN9789380902395, Aadi Pub. 2011, Pp. 85-95.

  10. "The Economic Aspect in Diasporic Theory and Literature" in Diasporic Consciousness: Literatures from the Postcolonial World. Eds. Dr. Smriti Singh and Dr. Achal Sinha, ISBN No.: 9783639302035, GERMANY: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. 2010, Pp. 18-24.

III. Books Authored/ Edited


1. Etesian::Barahmasi. (Book of Poems) Kolkata: Penprints Publication. August 2024. ISBN 978-81-974036-4-4


2. Transitions: Indian Diaspora and Four Women Writers. Kolkata: Virasat Art Publication. September 2023. ISBN 978-93-93063-44-1.


3. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Essayist. Memoirs, Personal Essays, Criticisms. Kolkata: Shabdayaan & Boighar-Shantiniketan. February 2023. ISBN 9789358137101.


4. Illicit Poems (Book of Poems). Bangalore: Pothi, July 2020. ISBN 9789354083082.


5. Fugitive Words (Book of poems). Kolkata: Hawakal Publishers, June 2019. ISBN 9789387883697.


6. Balconies of Time (Book of poems). Kolkata: Hawakal Publishers, November 2017. ISBN 9788193532539.


7. Dynami Zois: Life Force (A collection of short stories), Kolkata: Virasat Art Publication, January 2018. ISBN 9788193734117. (Co-edited with Anindita Bose)


8. Environment and Ecosystem (A collection of papers). Bolpur: Seacom Skills University Press, November 2024. ISBN 978-81-982545-4-2. (Co-edited)


 IV. Book Forewords Written

 1. Between Pages by Jagari Mukherjee. Illinois: Cherry House Press, June 2019.

2. Geethatmaa by Geethanjali Dilip. New Delhi: AuthorsPress, July 2019.

3. How Not to Remember by Mallika Bhaumik. Kolkata: Hawakal Publishers, October 2019.

4. The Elegant Nobody by Jagari Mukherjee. Kolkata: Hawakal Publishers, January 2020.

* Also have written numerous blurbs for many books.


V. Essays and Creative Non-Fiction Published in Books, Newspapers and Periodicals


1. "The Sorcerer Leaves: An Obituary." The Space Ink. 1st July, 2021. <>


2. “Sudeep Sen’s ‘Love in the Time of Corona’: A Layered Metaphysical Trope.” TMYS (Tell Me Yours Story). 4th July, 2020. <>


3. “The Castle – Franz Kafka.” ARTE Magazine. Issue 1. Kolkata: September 2019.


4. “Stand Out.” Stand Out: Life is a Story, Make Yours Interesting. Book featuring Emmanuel Abuh and other pathfinders who stood out in their sphere of influence.RemodAfrika Project. Okadabooks. July, 2019.


5. “The Wrong Side of Goodbye: An Obituary to Prof. Santanu Majumdar.” The Statesman, 8th Day p. 2. Kolkata, 5th February, 2017. (Co-authored with Saptarshi Mallick)


6. "Virtual Reality: The Literature of Suspending Disbelief". Different Truths. 31 December, 2016. <>


7. “The Indian Diasporic Creative: Literature to Music", Diplomatist, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Released on the occasion of 12th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (7-9th January 2014) in New Delhi.


8. "The Professor", Chicken Soup for the Soul: Indian College Students, New Delhi: Westland Publishers, 2011, ISBN: 9789380658131. 


9. “Remembering a Room and an Age”, Chicken Soup for the Indian Teenage Soul, New Delhi: Westland Publishers, 2009, ISBN: 9789380032634.


10. "The Psychological Sense of Exile and Alienation: A Selection from Anita Desai’s Fictional

 Characters", Boloji, 3 May 2009,



VI. Book Reviews Published in Journals and Newspapers


49. "Review Legends Speak: Bengali Women's Narratives in Translation" Translated by Chaitali Sengupta, Lopamudra Banerjee and Amita Ray. Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi. Issue 344. November 2024.


48. "Chronicles of Change: Collection of Prose from a Transformative Era: A Review of Sanjukta Dasgupta's Miscellany." The Statesman. 3rd August, 2023. P. 11. < >


47. “Disturbance of Poetry: A Review of Sanjukta Dasgupta’s Indomitable Draupadi.” Outlook (Weekender). 22nd April, 2023. < >


46. “The Body and the Poet: Reading Five Contemporary Poets of India.” Outlook (Weekender). 9th April, 2023. < >


45. “Book Review: Ananya Chatterjee’s Barefoot on Splintered Glass.” Outlook (Weekender). 5th March, 2023. < >


44. “Poetry of Pertinence - A Review of Sanjukta Dasgupta's Unbound – New and Selected Poems (1996-2021).” Eds. Jaydeep Sarangi and Sanghita Sanyal. Muse India, Issue 101. 10th June, 2022. <>


43. “Sumptuous Scrupulousness: A review of Hesitancies by Sanjeev Sethi.”  Compulsive Reader. 15th December, 2021. <>


42. “The Ritual of Reviewing: A Review of Uttaran Das Gupta’s Ritual.” The Space Ink (an initiative of 29th January, 2021. <>


41. “Review of Niladri Mahajan’s A Diffused Room.” Sunday Talks of TechTouchTalk Webzine. 6th December, 2020. <>


40. "Review of Jhilam Chattaraj's When Lovers Leave and Poetry Stays."Jaggery: A Desilit Arts and Literature Journal. Issue 16, Fall 2020. 10th September 2020.  <>


39. "A Review of Nikita Parik's Diacritics of Desire."The Bengaluru Review. 22 May, 2020. < >


38. "Less is Resolved, More is Suggested: A Review of Naina Dey's One Dozen Stories: Collected Bengali Short Fiction in Translation."Setu Bilingual Journal, April 2020 Issue. 4th May 2020. < >


37. "Questioning One's Identity As a Writer: A Review of Devika Basu's Resonant Recital."The Bengaluru Review. April 2020. < >


36. "The Semantics of Sin in Poetry: A Review of Saima Afreen's Sin of Semantics". Entropy Magazine. 7th March, 2020. < >


35. "One Day in the Life of Sita's Sisters: A Review of Sanjukta Dasgupta's Sita's Sisters."Setu Bilingual Journal. February 2020 Issue. 3rd March 2020.

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34. "The Mark by Bitan Chakraborty: A Review". Kitaab. 27th February, 2020.

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33.”An Extraordinary Piece of Travel Literature – A Review of Nishi Pulugurtha’s Out in the Open: Essays on Travel.” The Statesman. 8th Day Supplement, p. 2. Kolkata. 26th January, 2020.


32. “The Unpretentiousness of Being a Poet – A Review of Ananya Chatterjee’s Un-Building Walls.” Queen Mob’s Teahouse. 29th December, 2019. <>


31. “A Chair by the Window – A Review of Jharna Sanyal’s Nomadic Trail: seventy poems.” Poetry at the Heart of the Nation (IPPL Journal).Issue 2. December 2019. <>


30. “’My Madness is Mine Alone’ – A Review of Meera Nair’s En Body.” The Bengaluru Review. December 2019 Issue. 20th December, 2019. <>


29. “Review of Not in My Name: Selected Poems 1978-2017 of Subodh Sarkar Edited and Translated by Jaydeep Sarangi.” Le Simplegadi. Vol. XVII. No. 19. November 2019. DOI: 10.17456/SIMPLE-146  <>


28. “Now You Can Have Your Poem and Eat it Too – A Review of Quesadilla and Other Adventures: Food Poems Edited by Somrita Urni Ganguly.” Queen Mob’s Teahouse. 14th November, 2019. <>


27. “Review of Song of Pebbles (A Bilingual Edition) by Asoke Kumar Mitra.” Atunis Galaxy Poetry. 18th September, 2019. <>


26. “The Genre of Prose-Poetry: A Review of Kiriti Sengupta’s Rituals”. The Statesman. 8th Day Supplement, p. 2. Kolkata. 7th July, 2019.


25. “A Form of Japanese Poetry: A Review of Gopal Lahiri’s Return to Solitude.” The Statesman. 8th Day Supplement, p. 2. Kolkata. 21st April, 2019.


24. “Amit Shankar Saha Reviews Love’s Autobiography: The Ends of Love by Duane Vorhees.” Ink, Sweat and Tears. 7th March, 2019. <>


23. “Living Inside by Gopal Lahiri: A Review.” The Elixir Magazine.Issue 3. 3rd March, 2019.



22. “The Trees of Sea by Velliyodan Saimudheen, Tr. P. Ramgopal: A Review.” The Conclusion Magazine.Issue 4. 10th February, 2019.



21. “Review of Eternity Restoration Project by Kushal Poddar.” Galatea Resurrects 2018. 14th December, 2018. <>


20. “Review of Khirer Putul – the doll of condensed milk by Abanindranath Tagore, Translated by Amita Ray.” Reviews, 1st June 2018.<>


19. “Reading Between the Lines: A Review of Nabina Das’s Sanskarnama.” Reviews, 4th April, 2018.<>


18 “Book Review: Kiriti Sengupta’s Solitary Stillness.” Café Dissensus, 20th February, 2018. <>


17. “Like a Royal Robe with Ample Folds: A Review of Lopa Banerjee’s Translation of Rabindranath Tagore’s The Broken Home and Other Stories.” Reviews, 28th November, 2017.<>


16. “Silence Reverberates Like the Sound of Gongs: A Review of Mallika Bhaumik’s Echoes.” 12th October, 2017. <>


15. “Poetry as Beads of Pearls: A Review of Kiriti Sengupta’s Dreams of the Sacred and Ephemeral.” The Statesman, 8th Day p. 3. Kolkata, 8th October, 2017.


14. “The Language of Longing: A Review of Lopa Banerjee’s Let the Night Sing and Vaijayantee Bhattacharya’s Mosaic Vision.” The Statesman, 8th Day p.3. Kolkata, 20 Aug, 2017.


13. A Review of Sanjukta Dasgupta’s Lakshmi Unbound. Setu Magazine. May 2017 Issue. 31st May, 2017. <>


12. A Review of Lopa Banerjee's Thwarted Escape. Bonobology. 6th April, 2017. <>


11. A Review of Igniting Key: A Collection of Poems by Pramila Khadun, Ampat Koshy and Bina Biswas, Vanya's Notebook, 9th August, 2016. <>


10. “The Disorder of Things: A Review of Kushal Poddar’s A Place for Your Ghost Animals and Understanding the Neighborhood,” Asian Signature, ISSN No: 2456-1584, Vol. 2, No. 3, August 2016.



9. “The Blind Man’s Review: A Review of Ananya Chatterjee’s third book of poems The Blind Man’s Rainbow,” 19th December, 2015. <>


8. A Review of Surviving in My World: Growing Up Dalit in Bengal by Manohar Mouli Biswas (Trs. & Eds. Angana Dutta and Jaydeep Sarangi), LangLit Journal, Vol. 2, Issue 2. 30th November, 2015, <>.


7. A Review of The Firebird by Saikat Majumdar, Being Bookworms, 17th August 2015, <>


6. "Derozio: A Monograph by Nishi Pulugurtha: A Review", Muse India: A Literary e-Journal, Issue 37, May-June 2011, ISSN 0975-1815, <>


5. "Red April by Santiago Roncagliolo: Review", Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities: An Online Open Access E-Journal, Volume 2, Number 3, 2010, ISSN 0975 – 2935,Ed. Reynaldo Thompson, Pp. 358-360. <>


4. "So Good in Black by Sunetra Gupta: Bespoke Ethics", Muse India: A Literary e-Journal, Issue 27, September-October 2009, ISSN 0975-1815, <>


3. "More Light ... by Sanjukta Dasgupta: A Review", Boloji, 24 May 2009, <>


2. “Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri: A tour de force”, Muse India: A Literary e-Journal, Issue 23, January-February 2009, ISSN 0975-1815, <>


1. “The Namesake: The Book and the Film”, DesiLit Magazine, Issue 3, October 2007, <>


 VII. Conferences/ Seminars and Workshops Organized


1. "Indian Poetry Today." One Day Symposium organized by the Intercultural Poetry and Performance Library, Kolkata, in collaboration with Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. ICCR Library, Kolkata. 19th January, 2025. (Coordinator)


2. “Intersectional Webinar on Gender, Theory and Literature.” International Seminar of the Department of English, Seacom Skills University.Online. 20th October, 2020. (Convener)


3. “Paradign Shift in Post-Covid Education System.” International Conference of Seacom Skills University. Online. 30th June, 2020. (Convener)


4.”The Early Bengal Conclave.” One Day All India Seminar on the Classical Past of Bengal organized by Shoptodina. Mahabodhi Society Hall. 15th April, 2018. (Coordinator)


VIII. Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop Presentations and Invited Lectures as Resource Person


1. "Replacing Hyphen (-) with Equivalence (::) in Identity Formation: Appropriating and Presenting Etesian::Barahmasi as English poetry in the Indian Barahmasa Tradition". CREATIVE-2025: Interdisciplinary International Conference organized by RSDD, Visva-Bharati. Shantiniketan: 24-26 February, 2025. 

2. "The Strange Case of an Elephant at a Lit Fest." Unmesha: International Literature Festival organized by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India and Sahitya Akademi. Bhopal: 3-6 August, 2023.


3. "You are Here: The Power of Place."Writing Outside the frame:  Asia Pacific Writers and Translators Conference and Festival (APWT), Alliance University. Bangalore: 28th - 30th November, 2022. 


4. "Why Do I Write?" Unmesha: International Literature Festival organized by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India and Sahitya Akademi. Shimla: 16-18 June, 2022.


5. “The Renaissance Sonnet: Shakespeare and Others.” Lecture delivered at the Directorate of Distance Education, Kalyani University. 3rd April, 2022. (Invited Lecture)


6. "The Indian and Western Classical Literature." Lecture Series organized by The Department of English, United University, Prayagraj. 1st December, 2021. (Invited Lecture)


7. "At the Marabar Caves: Rethinking the Philosophy of Theorizing Diaspora." International Seminar on "Of Centres and Margins: Origin, Conflicts and Issues" organised by Department of English & Department of Bengali, Panchla Mahavidyalaya, in association with IQAC Panchla Mahavidyalaya & IQAC Puras Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya. 25th – 27th June, 2021.


8. "My First Writing Experience." All India Young Writers' Meet. Virtual Programme of Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. 16th June, 2021. (Invited Talk)


9. "The Space of Disjuncture." Seminar on "Diasporic Indian English Literature.” Virtual programme, Webline Literature Series of Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. 15th February, 2021. (Invited Paper Presentation)


10. “7-Day Online National Workshop on Creative Writing.” Department of English and IQAC, Mata Jijabai Govt. PG Girls College, Indore (M.P.). Lecture Topic- “Short Story.” 29th January, 2021. (Invited Presenter)


11. “Diasporic Gaze on Home(land) in Anita Desai’s Clear Light of Day and Bharati Mukherjee’s Desirable Daughters.” Imaginary Homelands: Litteratures d’ Asie du sud en Diaspora, Journéed’étude du projet DELI, Paris, FRANCE, 7th December, 2017. (In collaboration with Dr. Bhawana Jain, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne)


12. “Observations on the Sustainability of the Project.” Workshop on Sustainability of the Project under Indo-US 21st Century Knowledge Initiative Program (Promoting Eco-Friendly Entrepreneurship Development for Women in West Bengal), Department of Economics, Calcutta University, 7th November, 2017.


13. “The Memory Criterion of Identity in Diasporic Theory and Literature.” Young Research Scholars Forum, Basanti Devi College PG, Kolkata, 9 September, 2014. (Invited Lecture)


14. "Food in the Culture of India and the Indian Diaspora: Analysis through the Selected Works of Anita Desai," International Conference on "South-Asian Diasporic Circulations and Cultures: Transdisciplinary Approaches," UNIVERSITY OF BORDEAUX, FRANCE, 14-15 October 2011, (In collaboration with Bhawana Jain, Nice Sophia-Antipolis University, France).


IX. Conferences/ Seminars and Workshops Participated


1. ”IP Awareness Programme.” Organized by Intellectual Property Office, India, under NIPAM. 7th February, 2025. (Online)


2. "AAA and IDP Governance and Leadership 7th Attribute NEP." 4-Day Online Session conducted by IQAC Cluster. 28th-31st January, 2025.


3. "9th International Conference on Human Values in Higher Education" (Online). Organized by UHV Foundation. 22nd-24th November, 2024. 


4. "How to Get Ready for NAAC Binary Accreditation System." Orientation programme organized by CliMed Research Solutions and ARCNET, India. 14th October, 2024.


5.. "All India IQAC Workshop." Hybrid Workshop organized by Uttaranchal University, Dehradun. 29th June, 2024. 


6. "Navigating the Future: Implementing NEP 2020 for Educational Excellence." 4-Day Online Course conducted by IQAC Cluster. 2nd-23rd May, 2024. 


7. "Official Statistics in India: Planning and Execution of a Sample Survey." Online Lecture session organized by the Department of Economics, Seacom Skills University. 1st May, 2024. 


8. "Intellectual Property Rights and IP Management for Start-up." 2-Day Virtual Workshop organized by Seacom Skills University. 22nd-23rd May, 2024


9. “Energy Literacy Training.” A 12 module online course conducted by Energy Swaraj Foundation. 18th April, 2024.


10. “How to Face Peer Team Visit and SSS.” Four-Day Online Course organized by IQAC Cluster. 19th March to 9th April, 2024.


11. “One-Day FDP on Ideation, Orientation and Promotions to Create Start-ups and Entrepreneurial Ventures in the University.” Organized by Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of Seacom Skills University. 13th February, 2024.


12. “Understanding New Changes: Binary Accreditation and its Methodology in NAAC.” Webinar organized by IQAC Cluster. 5th February, 2024.


13. “Orientation to Old Method of NAAC Process and Important Insights about New Binary/ Graded Accreditation System.” Online session organized by Accreditation, Ranking and Certification Network of India (ARCNET) and CliMed Research Solutions. 31st January, 2024.


14. "5th National Level Workshop on NIRF India Rankings 2024." Online Workshop organized by Institute of Academic Excellence (IAE). 13th and 14th December, 2023.


15. “Transformation through NAAC Accreditation Process.” 3rd National Level Workshop (Online) organized by Institute of Academic Excellence (IAE). 30th and 31st October, 2023.


16. “Outcome Based Education and Essential Tools for Teachers.” 7–Day National Level Online Faculty Development Programme organized by IQAC of Carmel College, Mala Thrissur and the Kerala State Higher Education Council. 10th – 18th August, 2023.


17. ”IP Awareness Programme.” Organized by Intellectual Property Office and MoE’s Innovation Cell, India. 31st January, 2023. (Online)


18.  “Writing, Language and Tagore.” Webinar organized by Digital Museum, London, UK. 1st December, 2021.


19. "Issues and Challenges in Doctoral Research." 9th International Conference on World Doctorates Day. Amity University, Haryana. 25th August, 2021.


20. ”Personality Development and Interpersonal Skills.” International Webinar organized by the Department of English and Postgraduate Center, Poona College, Pune, on 10th July, 2021.


21. “Music in Jane Austen’s Life and Works of Jane Austen.” National Webinar organized by the Departments of English, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College and New Alipore College. 29th August, 2020.


22. “Apocalypse Narratives: Literature and popular Culture.” International Webinar organized by the Department of English in collaboration with IQAC, Prafulla Chandra College. 4-5 July,2020.


23. “Revised NAAC Assessment and Accreditation Process.” One Day National Webinar organized by IQAC, Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, and National Assessment and Accreditation Council. 4th July, 2020.


24. “Teaching, Learning and Evaluation in HEIs in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic India: Issues and Challenges.” 5-Day Online International Faculty Development Programme organized by Indian Academic Researchers Association (IARA), Barrackpore  Rastraguru Surendranath College and Panihati Mahavidyalaya. 25-29 June, 2020.


25. “Developing as an Online Practitioner.” Online Course Certification by QASPIR. June 2020.


26. “Research Methodology.” 14-Day International Online Conference and Workshop organized by Indian Academic Researchers Association (IARA). 4-17 May, 2020.


27. “An Interpretation of Dalit Literature, Aesthetic Theory and Movements,” National Seminar organized by Bangla Dalit Sahitya Sanstha, Indumoti Sabhagriha, Jadavpur, Kolkata, 1st April, 2017.


28. “Shakespeare in Indian Literature and Languages,” National Seminar organized by Sahitya Akademi, Kolkata, Sahitya Akademi Auditorium, 18-19 January, 2017.


29. "Songs, Roots, Inheritance: Caryapada to Gitagovinda, Sankhya to Sahajiya." One-Day All India Workshop. Shoptodina Foundation. Mahabodhi Society Hall. 15th April, 2017. 


30. “Towards Classical Status for Bengali Language,” All India Seminar organized by Shoptodina, Mahabodhi Society Hall, 15th April, 2016.


31. "Connecting Texts: Literature, Theatre and Cinema", Seminar organized by the Department of English (DRS, SAP-III, Phase-III), Calcutta University, Kolkata (CSSH Hall, Alipore Campus), 23rd –25th March, 2015.


32. "Stage and Screen: Representations and Self-Discoveries", Conference organized by the Department of English (DRS, SAP-III, Phase-III), Calcutta University, Kolkata (CSSH Hall, Alipore Campus), 24th – 26th March, 2014.


33. "The Digital Humanities in India: Remediating Texts and Contexts", Conference organized by the English Department of Presidency University, J. C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata, on 24 and 25 September, 2012.


34. "Post Postcolonialism: Theory and Texts", National Seminar organized by the Department of English (DRS, SAP-III, Phase-II), University of Calcutta, Chandramukhi-Kadambini Sabhagriha on 23rd and 24th February, 2012.


35. "Tagore: At Home in the World", International Conference organized by the Department of English (DRS, SAP-III, Phase-II), Calcutta University, and Rabindranath Tagore Centre for Human Development Studies, Kolkata (CSSH Hall, Alipore Campus), 10th-12th February, 2011.


36. "Connecting Cultures: Translation and Texts", International Conference organized by the Department of English (DRS, SAP-III, Phase-II), Calcutta University, Kolkata (CSSH Hall, Alipore Campus), 24th – 26th February, 2010.


37. “Breaking the Silence: Reading Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, and Ashapurna Devi”, International Conference organized by the Department of English (DRS, SAP-III, Phase-II) and the Women’s Studies Research Centre, Calcutta University,  Kolkata (CSSH Hall, Alipore campus), 15 & 16 January 2009.


38. “Imperial Constructions and Indigenous Self-fashioning”, International Conference under UGC-Assisted DRS (SAP-III) organized by the Department of English, Calcutta University, Kolkata (Derozio Hall, Presidency College), 10 & 11 January 2006.


X. Interviews


1. “Poets Who Matter: Sunil Bhandari interviews Amit Shankar Saha.” The Space Ink (an initiative of 10th December, 2020. <>


2. “Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Amit Shankar Saha” Wombwell Rainbow. April 2, 2020. < >


3. “Amit Shankar Saha: Author Interview by Lopa Banerjee”, Setu: Bilingual Journal, Pittsburgh, USA, August, 2018. <>


4. “Lopamudra Banerjee: Interview by Amit Shankar Saha”, Setu: Bilingual Journal, Pittsburgh, USA, August 2018. <>


5. “Amit Shankar Saha Responds to Duane Vorhees”, Duane’s Poetree, 3rd November, 2017. <>


6. “Sanjukta Dasgupta in Conversation with Amit Shankar Saha”, Incredible Women of India,

18th May, 2016. <>


7. "Sunetra Gupta – In Conversation with Amit Shankar Saha", Muse India: A Literary e-Journal, Issue 31, May-June 2010, ISSN 0975-1815,
